Guster guster2020-08-15.afternoon-show-01
2020-08-15 Cheshire Fairground Swanzey, NH

Guster Live at Cheshire Fairground Swanzey, NH on 2020-08-15

Source: Core Sounds binuaral > Zoom Handy H4n I did minor processing in Sound Forge to raise the levels.  I did extra level boost during Hard Times, which was very quiet. This was  drive in concert due to pandemic.  We were about 8 rows back, which was very far from the stage but not too far from the second row of speakers broadcasteing to the nosebleed seats.  Lots of Wind noise, especially in the right speaker, but I think this is still listenable.  During "Cars in Panic" Ryan had us all put our cars into panic mode, you can hear me embarrassingly say I'll never come to another Guster concert again.

Files (download all files)
Guster2020-08-15-afternoon.txt (download)
Guster2020-08-15-afternoon.ffp (download)