Guster guster2004-03-18.shnf
2004-03-18 Houston Field House, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Guster Live at Houston Field House, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute on 2004-03-18

Source 23189
Master: Elation KM201's>V2>D8

Conversion: DA-20>U2A>Sound Studio 2.1.1b3>AIFF>xACT 1.3d6

by Dave Mallick []

Happier Careful Keep It Together Airport Song Barrel Of A Gun Diane The Boy With The Arab Strap Demons The Prize Either Way Come Downstairs & Say Hello What You Wish For Ramona Medicine Homecoming King Fa Fa E: Parachute Backyard Amsterdam Total Eclipse Of The Heart

Files (download all files)
guster2004-03-18d1.md5 (download)
guster2004-03-18d2.md5 (download)
guster2004-03-18.txt (download)