Guest guest2002-10-25.shnf
2002-10-25 Baylee's

Guest Live at Baylee's on 2002-10-25

Source 67649
SBD+Bass Guitar Aux Channel+AKG480s>Fostex VF160

I. Impy Limpy-> Awkwords, Just Fine, Sold-> Commotion-> Sold-> Hey Bird, Join Together, The Room, Blinded Me With Science-> Cutting Bored-> Blinded Me With Science II. Mellow Mood, Nune Thought, Itchafunkinmesh, The March of St. Nichols, The Word E. Fine Tune, Knightrider

Files (download all files)
guest2002-10-25d1.md5 (download)
guest2002-10-25d2.md5 (download)
guest2002-10-25.txt (download)