Gemini Hustler gh2015-04-18
2015-04-18 300 State

Gemini Hustler Live at 300 State on 2015-04-18

GEMINI HUSTLER 4/18/15 300 STATE, ALTON, IL This Lullaby Lazers Heatwave Ashbury Dali Ain't No Sunshine Sky Is Blue Bang Bang Hope Fled The Scene Untitled All The Same TAPER: SHANE E. CALHOON (tapersec1968(at)gmail(dot)com) Gear Used: Source 1: Studio Projects C4 MKII Cardiod Caps > Tascam DR-07 Portable recorder Source 2: SBD > Tascam DR-07 Portable Recorder Matrix combined sources using: Sound Forge 9.0 > CDWav > TLH > .flac files

Files (download all files)
gh_2015-04-18_info.txt (download)
gh_2015-04-18.ffp (download)