Grateful Dead gd1992-12-11.141731.FOB.Schoeps.AMS250.Silberman.Ammons.Noel-flac1648
1992-12-11 Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum

Grateful Dead Live at Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum on 1992-12-11

Source 141731
flac16/48kHz; Recording info: Set I: Schoeps CMC34 (110° ORTF) > MIT Cable > TAO Research P.S. > Panasonic SV225 > DAT Recorded by John Ammons, hand held @ 5'9" FOB, center; Set II: AMS ST-250 (ambisonic mode)> 4 track Nagra D open reel 24 bit digital deck> 2 channel stereo DAT (Blumlein pattern)> DAT; Recorded by Jeff Silberman, just left of center, FOB; Transfer info: Tascam DA20 Mark II DAT > Roland SRC-2 sample rate/format converter (from SPDIF to Optical) > Mac Mini > Audacity 3.0 at 48K > Wave; Transfer by John Ammons of his s1 Master DAT & s2 clone of Silberman Master DAT

Set 1 Cold Rain & Snow Wang Dang Doodle Althea When I Paint My Masterpiece Stagger Lee Cassidy Deal Set 2 Iko Iko Looks Like Rain Eyes Of The World Corinna Drums Space The Wheel Stella Blue Sugar Magnolia Sunshine Daydream E: U.S. Blues Jerry Garcia - Guitar Bob Weir - Guitar Vince Welnick - Keyboards Phil Lesh - Bass Bill Kreutzmann - Drums Mickey Hart - Drums

Files (download all files) (download)
gd92-12-11.FOB.Schoeps.AMS250.Silberman.Ammons.Noel-flac1648.md5 (download)
gd92-12-11.FOB.Schoeps.AMS250.Silberman.Ammons.Noel-flac1648.ffp (download)