flac1644 Source: 1GEN CA
Microphones: AKG c422 "omnioid" (X-Y at 90')|AKG B18
Recorder: Sony TC-D5M| Maxell MX 90's no Dolby (2nd in line)
Location: approximately 20 feet from stage handheld
Transfer: Nakamichi CR-5A> Sonic AD2k @24/48 > Marantz PMD661|24/48 SD
Processing: SD| Audacity | cdwav editor | TLH | FLAC| foobar 2000 tagger
Recorded by: Executive Crew; Mike Davis, Tom Pinney, Aaron, John Hance
Transferred: Kyle Holbrook" href="/source/156950">156950
flac1644 Source: 1GEN CA
Microphones: AKG c422 "omnioid" (X-Y at 90')|AKG B18
Recorder: Sony TC-D5M| Maxell MX 90's no Dolby (2nd in line)
Location: approximately 20 feet from stage handheld
Transfer: Nakamichi CR-5A> Sonic AD2k @24/48 > Marantz PMD661|24/48 SD
Processing: SD| Audacity | cdwav editor | TLH | FLAC| foobar 2000 tagger
Recorded by: Executive Crew; Mike Davis, Tom Pinney, Aaron, John Hance
Transferred: Kyle Holbrook
descriptionSet I In The Midnight Hour Mississippi Half Step Uptown Toodleloo El Paso West L.A. Fadeaway Me & My Uncle > Mexicali Blues Candyman Let It Grow Set II Uncle John's Band > Playing In The Band > Comes A Time > Drums > Space > I Need A Miracle > Black Peter > Around & Around > Good Lovin' The Mighty Quinn (Quinn The Eskimo) Comment Jerry Garcia - Guitar Bob Weir - Guitar Brent Mydland - Keyboards Phil Lesh - Bass Bill Kreutzmann - Drums Mickey Hart - Drums