Grateful Dead gd1985-04-06.141211.pset2.unknown.Bryant.Miller.Noel.t-flac1644
1985-04-06 The Spectrum

Grateful Dead Live at The Spectrum on 1985-04-06

Source 141211
flac16; Set 2 partial Robert Bryant recording: unknown mics > Cassette Master (Sony TC-D5M). Charlie Miller DSD Transfer: Cassette Master (Nakamichi CR-7A)> Tascam DA-3000 (DSF 1-bit/5.8 MHz) > KORG AudioGate 4 > FLAC 24/96. Edited & Mastered w/ Audacity by Joe Noel: Flac 24/96. 24 bit to 16 bit with MusicConverter using sox-14-4-2

Set 2 Space The Other One Throwing Stones Not Fade Away E: One More Saturday Night Jerry Garcia - Guitar Bob Weir - Guitar Brent Mydland - Keyboards Phil Lesh - Bass Bill Kreutzmann - Drums Mickey Hart - Drums

Files (download all files)
gd85-04-06.pset2.unknown.Bryant.Miller.Noel.t-flac16.md5 (download) (download)
gd85-04-06.pset2.unknown.Bryant.Miller.Noel.t-flac16.ffp (download)