Furthur futhur2012-10-05.furthur2012-10-05_mk4_flac24
2012-10-05 greek theater

Furthur Live at greek theater on 2012-10-05

set 1 truckin' > smokestack lightning > brown eyed women money for gasoline any road peggy-o mission in the rain (w/ jonathan wilson) i shall be released (w/ lukas nelson) althea (l.n.) set 2 chinacat > I know you rider cassidy passenger > mountain song > scarlet begonias > fireon the mountain standing on the moon shakedown st. gloria (lukas nelson & jonathan wilson) e: revolution

Files (download all files)
futhur2012-10-05.furthur2012-10-05_mk4_flac24.md5 (download)
futhur2012-10-05.furthur2012-10-05_mk4_flac24.ffp (download)
furthur2012-10-05.txt (download)