Furthur furthur2011-10-02.milab-vm44.nakguy.116297.flac16
2011-10-02 Red Rocks Amphitheatre

Furthur Live at Red Rocks Amphitheatre on 2011-10-02

Source 116297
Source: Milab VM-44 Link -> Lunatec V2 -> Tascam DR-680 (24/48)

Transfer: sdhc -> AudioGate (16/44) -> CD Wave -> Flac

Shared by nakguy

Set 1: Samson and Delilah, Reuben and Cherise > I Need A Miracle > Something, Looks Like Rain, Tennessee Jed, Bird Song > Turn On Your Lovelight Set 2: Jam > Truckin' > Smokestack Lightning > New Potato Caboose > Born Cross Eyed > Wharf Rat > Unbroken Chain, Shakedown Street, Standing on the Moon > Help on the Way > Slipknot! > Franklin's Tower Encore: Brokedown Palace

Files (download all files)
furthur2011-10-02.milab-vm44.nakguy.116297.flac16.md5 (download)
furthur2011-10-02.milab-vm44.nakguy.116297.flac16.txt (download)
furthur2011-10-02.milab-vm44.nakguy.116297.flac16.ffp (download)