Furthur furthur2010-02-13.milab-vm44.unknown.106185.flac16
2010-02-13 Patriot Center

Furthur Live at Patriot Center on 2010-02-13

Source 106185
Milab VM-44 Link -> Naiant Littlebox (24V) -> Korg MR-1 (1bit/2.8MHz DSD)

Location: OTS, row 1, 3’ left of dead center

Transfer: Korg MR-1 -> AudioGate (16/44) -> CD Wave -> FLAC

Set 1: Playing in the Band > Wang Dang Doodle, Friend of the Devil, Greatest Story Ever Told, Ship of Fools, Sittin' on Top of the World, Truckin', New Speedway Boogie Set 2: Help on the Way > Slipknot! > Franklin's Tower, Cassidy > Lovelight, St. Stephen > Revolution > The Eleven, So Many Roads > Let it Grow > Playing in the Band E: Johnny B. Goode

Files (download all files)
furthur2010-02-13.md5 (download)
Furthur2010-02-13.txt (download)