Moxy Fruvous fruvous1999-02-20.flac16
1999-02-20 Lee's Palace

Moxy Fruvous Live at Lee's Palace on 1999-02-20

01. Michigan Militia 02. Jockey Full of Burbon 03. banter 04. The Present Tense Tureen 05. Johnny Saucep'n 06. banter 07. When She Talks 08. banter 09. I Love My Boss 10. banter > 11. bubble jam 12. Half as Much 13. If You Only Knew 14. Independence Day 15. Minnie the Moocher 16. River Valley 17. My Poor Generation 18. He's Misstra Know It All 19. banter/improv jam 20. You Will Go to the Moon 21. banter > 22. way to go Murray jam 23. I Will Hold On 24. kos intro 25. King of Spain > 26. Green Eggs & Ham 27. BJ Don't Cry 28. Psycho Killer encore: 29. Horseshoes 30. Lou intro 31. Dancing Queen medley 32. Early Morning Rain

Files (download all files)
fruvous1999-02-20.txt (download)
fruvous1999-02-20.ffp (download)
fruvous1999-02-20.md5 (download)