Frank Moore frankmoore2005-09-25
2005-09-25 Frank Moore's Shaman's Den

Frank Moore Live at Frank Moore's Shaman's Den on 2005-09-25

“The Blues Chaos” Jam Recorded live on Frank Moore’s Shaman’s Den September 25, 2005 “The Blues Chaos” Jam (01:10:55) Source: SVHS A>D Transfer: SVHS > Canopus ADVC1000 > PC (Adobe Premiere Pro) > WAV (Adobe Media Encoder) > Adobe Audition CC > FLAC (xACT) A hot jam with Frank Moore, Erika Shaver-Nelson, Dr. Gruve, Michael Peppe and Tomek Von Schachtmayer. Watch the video of this performance.

Files (download all files)
frankmoore2005-09-25ffp.txt (download)
fingerprint.ffp.txt (download)
frankmoore2005-09-25.txt (download)