Bela Fleck and the Flecktones flecktones2017-08-06
2017-08-06 Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts

Bela Fleck and the Flecktones Live at Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts on 2017-08-06

Source 153324
CA-11 (omni) > Ugly Battery Box > Tascam DR-05 > WAV > ProTools > WAV > xACT > FLAC

Taped and transferred by opsopcopolis

Setlist: 01. Big Country 02. Flying Saucer Dudes 03. Sex in a Pan 04. Blu-Bop 05. Harmonica Solo > 06. Life In Eleven 07. Unknown Song 08. Percussion Solo > 09. Sweet Pomegranates 10. The Sinister Minister

Files (download all files)
fingerprint.ffp.txt (download)
info.txt (download)
md5sum.md5 (download)