Elephino el2017-02-11.aud
2017-02-11 Elk's Club

Elephino Live at Elk's Club on 2017-02-11

Elephino Nick's 50th Birthday Bash  Santa Clara, CA 2017-02-11 01.Don't Blink 02.Graham Cracker 03.Landslide * 04.Slowpoke > 05.Down 06.Whupagieu ^ 07.Well You Didn't ** * w/ Victor Manning on guitar ^ w/ Jon Hassan on sax ** Houserocker Horn's FOH Sound - Bill Tasto Photo:Michael Pegram Source: AUD> AT835> TASCAM DR-40(24/48 > WAV > SD (Side of Room- 50ft) Lineage: AUD> AT835> TASCAM DR-40> SD > WAV > Audacity (fades,cuts) > CD Wave> Flac > TLH This was a special celebration of Nick Chargin's 50th Birthday with musical offerings of Nick's bands and brother bands that he has played with over the last 25+ years.

Files (download all files)
el2017-02-11aud.ffp (download)
el2017-02-11aud.txt (download)