Explosions in the Sky eits2007-10-10
2007-10-10 Dionysus Club

Explosions in the Sky Live at Dionysus Club on 2007-10-10

Explosions in the Sky October 10, 2007 Dionysus Club Oberlin, OH Taper: Josh Puckett (distance) Source: Schoeps CCM-4 > Sonosax SX-M2 > Sony PCM-M1 Conversion: Sony PCM-M1(DAT-M) > Echo Gina 24 > Sound Forge > Adobe Audition (editing) FLAC: WAV > CD Wave (track splitting) > FLAC Notes: From the collection of Josh Puckett. These are 16bit/48kHz files and you will need to resample to 16bit/44.1kHz if burning to CD. 1. First Breath After Coma 2. Welcome, Ghosts 3. The Birth and Death of the Day 4. Your Hand in Mine 5. Memorial 6. Catastrophe and the Cure 7. The Only Moment We Were Alone

Files (download all files)
eits2007-10-10.txt (download)
eits2007-10-10_ccm4_48k.ffp (download)
eits2007-10-10_ccm4_48k.md5 (download)