Derek Trucks Band dtb2001-04-04.dsm6p.flac16
2001-04-04 Irving Plaza

Derek Trucks Band Live at Irving Plaza on 2001-04-04

Derek Trucks Band 2001-04-04 Irving Plaza New York, NY Source: Sonic Studios DSM-6P-> Sony SBM-1-> Sony TCD-D8 Transfer: PCM-R300-> M-Audio AP2496-> Soundforge 6.0-> CD Wave-> FLAC 1.2.1 1. Back At The Chicken Shack 2. For My Brother 3. Cheese Cake 4. You Don't Love Me (Those Eyes) 5. Big Head Salsa 6. Band Intros 7. Mr. PC 8. Don't Change Horses 9. Maki Madni-> 10. Rasta Man Chant 11. Ain't That Lovin You

Files (download all files)
dtb2001-04-04ffp.txt (download)
dtb2001-04-04info.txt (download)