Dark Star Orchestra dso040504.shnf
2004-05-04 The Coach House

Dark Star Orchestra Live at The Coach House on 2004-05-04

Source 24622
Show #939 (02/17/73)
SBD + (Stage) Neumann U87 > Digi002 > ProTools24 > Win Wave > Shn
Taped by Dino English, Transfered by Webmaster Ed

Set 1: Promised, //He's Gone, L. L. Rain, Box Of Rain, Wave That Flag, Mexicali, Bird Song, BIODTL, Loose Lucy, Bobby McGee, disc 2: Stella Blue, El Paso, TLEO, Playin Set 2: Truckin, Row Jimmy, Big River, You Ain't Woman Enough, H. C. Sunshine> China Cat> I Know You Rider, Around, NFA> GDTRFB> NFA, Saturday Night Encore: Casey Jones Filler: WRS Prelude*> WRS Part 1*> Let It Grow*

Files (download all files)
dso040504.txt (download)
dso040504shn.md5 (download)
dso040504wav.md5 (download)