Don Chambers & GOAT donchambers2019-02-14.m20.flac16
2019-02-14 40 Watt Club

Don Chambers & GOAT Live at 40 Watt Club on 2019-02-14

Don Chambers 2019/02/14 40 Watt Club Athens, GA source:   Microtech Gefell M20 (din) > Nbob KCY > Naiant PFA (60V) > Sound Devices Mixpre-6 @ 24/48 location: directly in front of sbd dfc, stand @ 8' transfer: SDHC > PC > Wavelab 6.1 (gain, fades) > CD Wave > Wavelab 6.1 (crystal resampler, MBIT+ dither) > TLH (flac 8) > Foobar (tags) *16bit/44.1khz fileset* recorded and transferred by Gordon Wilson A Team Dirty South Recording 01. Intro by Patterson Hood 02. Sorrows Like Sea Billows Roll 03. Mountain 04. Noise of Water  05. Same Dream 06. Your Lovers 07. Listen to Me 08. Born to be Yours 09. Which One Is Worse 10. Open the Gates 11. The Last Thursday * 12. Straighten the Bones * w/ Jay Gonzalez

Files (download all files)
donchambers2019-02-14.m20.flac16.txt (download)
donchambers2019-02-14.m20.flac16.ffp (download)