David Mead dmead2003-11-28.show2.ms907.shnf
2003-11-28 12th & Porter (show 2)

David Mead Live at 12th & Porter (show 2) on 2003-11-28

Source 72296
Sony ECM-MS907 stereo mic > Sharp MD-SR60 minidisc recorder > Sony MDS-JE520 MD deck > Philips CDR760 via optical cable > CD-RW > CoolEdit > CDWAV > SHN

Ordinary Life Only A Girl Touch Of Mascara Nashville Beauty Bucket Of Girls Oneplusone Indiana You Might See Him New Mexico Chutes And Ladders World Of A King Queensboro Bridge Crazy Girl On The Roof Something (tease) Human Nature

Files (download all files)
dmead2003-11-28.show2.ms907.shnf.md5 (download)
dmead2003-11-28.show2.ms907.txt (download)