The Decemberists decemberists2003-10-28.aud.flac16
2003-10-28 Black Cat - Back Room

The Decemberists Live at Black Cat - Back Room on 2003-10-28

1. (Soundcheck / Intro) 2. Leslie Ann Levine 3. The Bachelor and the Bride 4. The Gymnast, High above the Ground 5. The Engine Driver 6. The Soldiering Life 7. Up the Junction [Squeeze] 8. Here I Dreamt I Was an Architect 9. Odalisque 10. Grace Cathedral Hill 11. Los Angeles, I'm Yours 12. The Chimbley Sweep Encore 13. Red Right Ankle 14. I Was Meant for the Stage Recording is complete.

Files (download all files)
decemberists2003-10-28.aud.flac16.md5 (download)
decemberists2003-10-28.txt (download)
decemberists2003-10-28.aud.flac16.ffp (download)