Drive-By Truckers dbt2019-07-06
2019-07-06 moe.down

Drive-By Truckers Live at moe.down on 2019-07-06

set 1: 01. Ramon Casiano > 02. Darkened Flags at the Cusp of Dawn 03. Surrender Under Protest 04. Days of Graduation 05. Ronnie and Neil 06. Women Without Whiskey 07. Awaiting Resurrection 08. Three Dimes Down > 09. Lookout Mountain 10. Gravity's Gone 11. The Company I Keep 12. Filthy and Fried 13. The Righteous Path 14. A Ghost To Most 15. Hell No, I Ain't Happy > 16. Sign O' the Times > 17. Hell No, I Ain't Happy Drive-By Truckers July 6, 2019 moe.down Snow Rdige Ski Area Turin, NY source:  Neumann km184> Sound Devices MixPre 6           transfer:  microSD> USB> Samplitutde 11 (16/44.1)> cdWave> FLAC recorded/transfered by  Rob Clarke   robclarke.km184 -at-

Files (download all files)
dbt2019-07-06.flac16.ffp (download)
dbt2019-07-06.txt (download)