Drive-By Truckers dbt2013-03-05.HawRiverBallroom_MilabV44Links
2013-03-05 Haw River Ballroom

Drive-By Truckers Live at Haw River Ballroom on 2013-03-05

Source 128463
Source: Milab VM44 Link Cardioid NOS FOB Right of center>Grace V2>Tascam DR-680
Lineage: SD>Audacity (Normalize-Nashville Compression)>CDWave>TLH

Drive-By Truckers Live at the Haw River Ballroom Saxapahaw, NC March 5, 2013 Source: Milab VM44 Link Cardioid NOS FOB Right of center>Grace V2>Tascam DR-680 Lineage: SD>Audacity (Normalize-Nashville Compression)>CDWave>TLH Thank You Scott Hinds for the Setlist! 01. The Living Bubba 02. Gravity's Gone 03. I Do Believe 04. Highway 72 (This Highway's Mean) 05. Ronnie & Neil 06. Birthday Boy 07. Girls Who Smoke 08. Where the Devil Don't Stay 09. Patterson speaks to audience 10. Used to be a Cop 11. Self Destructive Zones 12. Buttholeville>State Trooper 13. Marry Me 14. Sinkhole 15. Three Dimes Down 16. Hell No I Ain't Happy 17. Crowd-Encore: 18. Zip City 19. Let There Be Rock 20. Shut Up and Get On the Plane 21. Angels & The Fuselage Total Time 122:15:19 Support taper friendly bands. Go to their shows and buy their merchandise. Taped and Uploaded by Hypnocracy

Files (download all files)
dbt2013-03-05.HawRiverBallroom_MilabV44Links.ffp (download)
dbt2013-03-05.HawRiverBallroom_MilabV44Links.md5 (download)
SetList.txt (download)
dbt_20130305_HawRiverBallroom_MilabV44Link_FLAC.ffp (download)