Drive-By Truckers dbt2005-09-06.flacf
2005-09-06 Academy 3, Manchester University

Drive-By Truckers Live at Academy 3, Manchester University on 2005-09-06

Source 31220
Sony ECM909 > Sony MZ-R30 (Rebobula)

Intro When The Pin Hits The Shell Do It Yourself The Day John Henry Died Puttin People On The Moon Sink Hole Women Without Whiskey February 14 Decoration Day The Night G. G. Allen Came To Town My Sweet Annette Guitar Man Upstairs Daddys Cup Steve McQueen Chatter/Tuning > Goddamn Lonely Love Outfit Hell No, I Aint Happy Marry Me Careless Lookout Mountain Patterson New Orleans Intro Louisiana 1927 Ronnie and Neil Where The Devil Dont Stay Let Me Roll It Let There Be Rock

Files (download all files)
dbt2005-09-06.txt (download)
dbt2005-09-06.flacf.md5 (download)