Drive-By Truckers dbt2002-12-30.483
2002-12-30 Schuba's

Drive-By Truckers Live at Schuba's on 2002-12-30

1. Birmingham 2. Lookout Mountain 3. Days Of Graduation 4. Careless 5. 72 (This Highway's Mean) 6. One Of These Days 7. Mrs. Claus' Kimono 8. Ronnie And Neil 9. Your Daddy Hates Me 10. Sinkhole 11. Marry Me 12. Decoration Day 13. banter 14. Heathens 15. Box Of Spiders 16. My Sweet Annette 17. Plastic Flowers On The Highway 18. Zip City 19. The Three Great Alabama Icons 20. Wallace 21. Road Cases 22. Let There Be Rock Encore: 23. banter 24. Women Without Whiskey 25. banter 26. Sandwiches For The Road

Files (download all files)
dbt2002-12-30.483.md5 (download)
dbt2002-12-30.483.txt (download)
dbt2002-12-30.483.ffp (download)