Drive-By Truckers dbt2002-05-24.DAUD
2002-05-24 Nuci's Space, Athens, GA

Drive-By Truckers Live at Nuci's Space, Athens, GA on 2002-05-24

Drive-By Truckers 5/24/2002 Nuci's Space Benefit, Athens, GA 1. Days Of Graduation 2. Ronnie And Neil 3. 72 (this highway's mean) 4. Dead, Drunk, And Naked 5. Guitar Man Upstairs 6. Birmingham 7. The Southern Thing Intro. 8. The Southern Thing 9. The Three Great Alabama Icons 10. Wallace 11. Zip City 12. Don't Cock Block The Rock 13. Let There Be Rock 14. Road Cases 15. Women Without Whiskey 16. Plastic Flowers On The Highway 17. Thank God For The TVA 18. Life In The Factory 19. Shut Up And Get On The Plane 20. Greenville To Baton Rouge 21. Angels And Fuselage Encore: 22. Too Much Sex (too little Jesus) 23. Keep On Smilin' DAUD0 (Schoeps) EAC > FLAC

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