Drive-By Truckers dbt2001-09-27.391.flac16
2001-09-27 Velvet Elvis

Drive-By Truckers Live at Velvet Elvis on 2001-09-27

Source 81130
AKG 391 > PS-2 > M1(Morgan Baird)

Heathens, Too Much Sex, Too Little Jesus, Don't Be in Love Around Me, Steve McQueen, Uncle Frank, One of These Days, Ronnie & Neil, 72 (This Highway's Mean), Dead Drunk & Naked, Guitar Man Upstairs, The Southern Thing, Zip City, Cassie's Brother, Don't Cock Block the Rock, Let There Be Rock, Shut Up & Get on the Plane, Greenville to Baton Rouge, Angels & Fuselage E: Keep on Smiling, Buttholeville, People Who Died

Files (download all files)
dbt2001-09-27.391.md5 (download)
dbt2001-09-27.391.txt (download)