Disco Biscuits db2003-08-15.shnf
2003-08-15 TranceMission

Disco Biscuits Live at TranceMission on 2003-08-15

Source 19651
Schoeps CMC64's-> Lunatec V2-> DA-P1 @44.1khz; Sony DTC-670-> Audiophile 2496-> Wavelab 4.0-> CDWave-> mkwACT-> SHN; Taped by John Madigan; Transfered, Remastered and Tracked by Rich Steele 

Set I: Mulberry's Dream > Reactor(>8/16) > Run Like Hell(>8/16) > Sound One > Mulberry's Dream > Above The Waves Set II: 42 > King of the World(mid) > Voices Insane(> Save the Robots, News from Nowhere, Svenghali, Chemical Warfare Brigade Encore: Spy

Files (download all files)
db2003-08-15d3.md5 (download)
db2003-08-15d2.md5 (download)
db2003-08-15.txt (download)
db2003-08-15d1.md5 (download)