Disco Biscuits db2002-09-26.shnf
2002-09-26 The Fillmore Auditorium

Disco Biscuits Live at The Fillmore Auditorium on 2002-09-26

Source 12355
Schoeps CCM4V-> Lunatec V2-> Modified Sony SBM-1-> D8; Sony D8 (DAT Master)-> DIO-2448-> Cool Edit 2000-> CDWav-> SHN; Taped by Kevin Hughes; Transferred and Encoded by James Zimmermann

Set 1: Hope > And The Ladies Were The Rest Of The Night > Haleakala Crater > Munchkin Invasion, The Tunnel, Shelby Rose > Story Of The World Set 2: Digital Buddha(1) > Rock Candy(2) > Digital Buddha, Bazaar Escape, MEMPHIS, Spectacle, Jigsaw Earth > Sound 1 > Jigsaw Earth Encore: Little Betty Boop

Files (download all files)
db2002-09-26d2.md5 (download)
db02-09-26.txt (download)
db2002-09-26d1.md5 (download)
db2002-09-26d3.md5 (download)
db2002-09-26d4.md5 (download)