Disco Biscuits db2002-07-27.shnf
2002-07-27 Mishawaka Amp

Disco Biscuits Live at Mishawaka Amp on 2002-07-27

Source 11739
Schoeps CCM4V-> Lunatec V2-> Oade Modified Sony SBM-1-> D8; Tascam DA-30mkII-> RME Digi96-PST-> Samplitude Project V5.5-> CDWave-> SHN; Taped by Kevin Hughes; All editing done in SoundForge 5.0. Tracked and encoded by Scott Schneider

Spraypaint Victory1 > Above The Waves2 , Shem-Rah Boo, I Remember When, Spacebirdmatingcall3 > Vassillios4 > Jigsaw Earth2 Bernstein And Chasnoff > Sound 1 > Bernstein And Chasnoff, Plan B, I-Man > The Tunnel2 , Svenghali5 > Triumph2 > Whiskey River6 Frog Legs > Helicopters5 > Nughuffer2

Files (download all files)
db2002-07-27info.txt (download)
db2002-07-27d2.md5 (download)
db2002-07-27d3.md5 (download)
db2002-07-27d1.md5 (download)
db2002-07-27d4.md5 (download)