Disco Biscuits db2002-04-19.akg480ck61.shnf
2002-04-19 Royal Oak Theater

Disco Biscuits Live at Royal Oak Theater on 2002-04-19

Source 9825
FOB AKG 480'sck61 (NOS)-> Lunatec V2-> Sonic AD2K+-> DA-P1; Sony PCM-R500-> Prodif32-> Red Roaster-> CDWave-> SHN; Taped and encoded by Nick Colovos

1: Three Wishes, 7-11 -> And the Ladies Were the Rest of the Night, Aceetobee, Floodlights -> Down to the Bottom -> Floes 2: Jam (1) -> Grass is Green, Mulberry's Dream, Astronaut (2) -> The Very Moon -> Spacebirdmatingcall, The Overture (1) E: Save the Robots

Files (download all files)
db2002-04-19.akg480ck61.txt (download)
db2002-04-19d2.md5 (download)
db2002-04-19d1.md5 (download)
db2002-04-19d3.md5 (download)