Disco Biscuits db2002-04-15.shnf
2002-04-15 The Vanderbilt

Disco Biscuits Live at The Vanderbilt on 2002-04-15

Source 10735
Unknown Audience; Sony PCM-R500-> DIO-2448-> Samplitude 5.55-> CDWav-> SHN; Transferred and Encoded by Jon Goldberg

Stone > Devil's Waltz, Hope > Floes*, Ulua > 7-11**, Floodlights, And The Ladies > Kamaole Sands*** > And The Ladies Songs of Joy, Trooper McCue > Crickets*** > Spacebirdmatingcall, Aceetobee, Basis For A Day

Files (download all files)
db2002-04-15.txt (download)
db2002-04-15d2.md5 (download)
db2002-04-15d3.md5 (download)
db2002-04-15d1.md5 (download)