Disco Biscuits db2002-03-07.shnf
2002-03-07 El Rio Theatre

Disco Biscuits Live at El Rio Theatre on 2002-03-07

Source 8222
Schoeps CCM4V ->Lunatec V2 ->Modified SBM-1; Sony PCM-R500 ->Delta Dio2496 ->Samplitude ->CDWav ->SHN; Taped, transferred and tracked by Kevin Hughes

Set I: Jamillia, Munchkin Invasion, Once the Fiddler Paid, Shem-Rah Boo, Floes, Straight No Chaser, Story of the World Set II: Mindless Dribble > Mr. Don, Grass Is Green > Hope, Little Shimmy In a Conga Line Encore: Barfly

Files (download all files)
db02-03-07.txt (download)
db02-03-07.md5 (download)