Disco Biscuits db1999-09-18.shnf
1999-09-18 Barrymore Theater

Disco Biscuits Live at Barrymore Theater on 1999-09-18

Source 16196
AKG480'ck61 (NOS tapers section) > Lunatec V2 30gain > Grand Patten ADC20 > DA-P1; Sony PCM-R500 > Prodif32 > Red Roaster > CDWave > SHN (Fades); Taped and Encoded By Nick Colovos; Tracked and Verified by Nick Colovos, Jordan Nadler

Mindless Dribble > Magellan*, Frog Legs > Mindless Dribble > Basis For A Day > Voices Insane* Spaga > Splattums, Chemical Warfare Brigade, Mulberry's Dream > Basis For A Day E: Mr. Don

Files (download all files)
db1999-09-18.txt (download)
db1999-09-18d2.md5 (download)
db1999-09-18d3.md5 (download)
db1999-09-18d1.md5 (download)