Disco Biscuits db1999-03-27.shnf
1999-03-27 Graffiti's

Disco Biscuits Live at Graffiti's on 1999-03-27

Run Like Hell > Nughuffer*, Boogie Stop Shuffle, The Very Moon > Hot Air Balloon, Jam > Aceetobee Magellan, Voices Insane, Mindless Dribble > Above The Waves*, Nughuffer* > Run Like Hell E1: Plan B > Magellan reprise E2: Above The Waves* > Basis For A Day**

Files (download all files)
db1999-03-27d1.md5 (download)
db1999-03-27d4.md5 (download)
db1999-03-27.txt (download)
db1999-03-27d3.md5 (download)
db1999-03-27d2.md5 (download)