Cubensis cubensis2018-07-13
2018-07-13 Golden Sails Hotel

Cubensis Live at Golden Sails Hotel on 2018-07-13

Set 1:  1. One More Saturday Night 2. Fire On The Mountain 3. Medicated Goo 4. Loser 5. Just Like Tom Thumb Blues 6. West LA Fadeaway 7. Mama Tried 8. Waiting For A Miracle 9. The Music Never Stopped Set 2: 1. Feel Like A Stranger 2. Far From Me 3. Althea > 4. Eyes Of The World 5. Doin' That Rag 6. Don't Ease Me In

Files (download all files)
cubensis2018-07-13-16bit.ffp (download)
cubensis2018-07-13-16bit.txt (download)
cubensis2018-07-13-16bit.md5 (download)