Cris Jacobs crisjacobs2022-07-01.m60.flac16
2022-07-01 High Sierra Music Festival

Cris Jacobs Live at High Sierra Music Festival on 2022-07-01

Cris Jacobs Band High Sierra Music Festival Quincy, CA 2022-07-01 Friday Vaudeville Stage Late show Telefunken M60 (cards)-Zoom F3 48/32 20' FOB center DINa 7' high Rec by Eric Wilkens Ben White Keyboards Dusty Ray Simmons Drums Todd Harrington Bass Corey Wells Guitar 01. Intro 02. I Do Believe 03. Delivery Man 04. Jack the Whistle and the Hammer 05. Hallelujah Hustler 06. Hook You 07. Jack on Fire 08. Break Your Fall 09. Woman's Gotta Have It* 10. I'll Take You There# 11. The Devil or Jesse James 12. Love the One You're With# 13. Bonedigger 14. Loan Me a Dime% 15. Heartbreak Road 16. Shine Your Weary Light *w/Lech Weirzynski California Honeydrops #w/Pamela Parker %w/Simon Kurth (guitar) [Boz Scaggs]

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