Cornmeal cornmeal2009-07-01.neumann.km184s.flac16
2009-07-01 American Music Festival

Cornmeal Live at American Music Festival on 2009-07-01

Source 104007
Neumann km184's(FOB/3' ROC/~8.5' High) > Sound Devices Mixpre(80Hz rolloff @ 6dB per octave) > KORG MR-1(1Bit/2.8MHz) > Audiogate(decimate to wav, downsample/dither to 16/44.1) > CDWave(Tracking) > FLAC(16/44.1/Level 8)

Recorded By: John F.

1. Long Hard Road > (4:10) 2. River Gap (16:55) 3. That's That (4:35) 4. The Way It Ought to Be (5:44) 5. Doin' My Time (16:41) 6. I'll Be Looking at You (7:46) 7. Jenny in the Middle > (3:15) 8. Black Smoke Rising (19:44) 9. White Freightliner Blues (5:21)

Files (download all files)
crnml2009-07-01.txt (download)
crnml2009-07-01.ffp.txt (download)
crnml2009-07-01.md5 (download)