Club d'Elf clubdelf2015-11-22.akg-ck1.flac2448
2015-11-22 The Burren

Club d'Elf Live at The Burren on 2015-11-22

Donations for Jeff can be sent through 'gofundme' here Club d’Elf Sun. November 22, 2015 Loving Jeff Berlin The Burren Somerville, MA source: akg ck1/a60/460 (stagelip) > Lunatec V3 > Edirol R-44 > WAV (24/48k) transfer: wav > Audacity > wav (24/48k) > xACT > flac8 tape/transfer - corey the groundhog (coreythegroundhogATgmailDOTcom) one set (57:51) 01. 02. 03. banter 04. * 05. * with Dana Colley on Baritone Saxophone and I believe someone may have also sat in on drums but I don’t remember. Mike Rivard - Bass & Sintir Dean Johnston - Drums Paul Schultheis - Keys & Melodica Duke Levine - Guitar

Files (download all files)
clubdelf2015-11-22.txt (download)
clubdelf2015-11-22.ffp.txt (download)