Cowboy Junkies cj2003-03-04.shnf
2003-03-04 Georgia University Theater

Cowboy Junkies Live at Georgia University Theater on 2003-03-04

Source 20770
Sennheiser K3U/ME80caps > Lunatec V2 > Tascam DA-P1 >
Sony D7 (by Cookie Bob & Roekbarnet) > DAT >
Tascam DA-40 > HHB 630 CDburner (by Cookie Bob)

Mining for Gold, Misguided Angel, At the End of the Rainbow, Leaving Normal, Ikea Parking Lot, Tired Eyes, I'm So Open, He Will Call You Baby, Close My Eyes Come Calling (His Song), Cheap is How I Feel, I Don't Get It, My Wild Child, Stars of My Stars, Where Are You Tonight, Me and the Devil, This Street That Man This Life, A Common Disaster, Why This One*, Good Friday, E: Three Girls A Smile to My Eyes*, Sweet Jane

Files (download all files)
cj2003-03-04.txt (download)
cj2003-03-04.md5 (download)