Big Something bs2012-06-01.BBJ_hypnocracy
2012-06-01 Blue Bourbon Jacks

Big Something Live at Blue Bourbon Jacks on 2012-06-01

Big Something Live at Blue Burbon Jack's High Point, NC June 1, 2012 Source 1: Avenson STO-2 Omni Stage Lip>Fostex FR2LE Source 2: AKG C460b/CK61 PAS DFC FOB Denecke PS2/AD20>iRiver Lineage: iRiver/Fostex>Audacity (Normalize & Mix)>CD Wave>Traders Little Helper Set 1: 01. Graham County Courthouse 02. Pinky's Ride 03. Dub Synth>Track one 04. Full Moon 05. She Don't Use Jelly*>Steve Hill & the Gang 06. Pinky goes to Jail 07. Moonshine 08. Hangover 09. Mary Jane>Amanda Lynn Set 2: 01. Girlfriend is Better** 02. This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody)** 03. And She Was ** 04. Making Flippy Floppy** 05. Curse of Julia Brown 06. Pinky's Woman>Illuminated>In the middle 07. Sledgehammer*** 08. Simple Vison 09. Saturday Night Zombie 10. EWI 4000 *Flaming Lips **Talking Heads ***Peter Gabriel

Files (download all files)
bs2012-06-01.BBJ_hypnocracy.ffp (download)
Setlist.txt (download)
bs2012-06-01.BBJ_hypnocracy.md5 (download)
2012-06-01_BBJ_FLAC.ffp (download)