Brothers Past bp2005-01-25rodeNT5.flac16
2005-01-25 Jack Rabbit's

Brothers Past Live at Jack Rabbit's on 2005-01-25

Source 33026
Rode nt5 matched pair -> Behringer MXB1002 -> Sonic AD2K+ (16/44.1); Craig's homemade Coax/Optical Converter -> Nomad JB3 -> Cdwave -> Steinberg Wavelab Lite -> Flac; Taped and transferred by Craig Webster 

Disc 1: 1. Crowd/Banter 2. Can You Keep a Secret? 3. Fascination Street -> 4. A Wonderful Day -> 5. Fascination Street 6. Banter 7. One Rabbit Race -> 8. Boy -> 9. One Rabbit Race Disc 2: 1. Bitches & Candy -> 2. Too Late to Call -> 3. Bitches & Candy 4. Banter 5. Collission Theory 6. Tuning/Banter/Encore 7. State Police -> 8. I Might Be Wrong -> 9. Boy

Files (download all files)
bp2005-01-25.md5 (download)
bp2005-01-25.txt (download)