Borrowed Angels borrowed2003-06-05.shnf
2003-06-05 Moe's Crosstown Tavern

Borrowed Angels Live at Moe's Crosstown Tavern on 2003-06-05

Source 68569
SBD > Sony PCM-M1 > Sony PCM-M1 > Sony POC-DA12P > SEK'D Prodif Plus > Cool Edit 2000 > CDWav > mkwACT--no DAE

Daughter of Mine Kudzu Charleston Blues Paradise * Jacksonville Skyline * You Ain't Going Nowhere * Fishin' Blues * Glitter Up on Cripple Creek * Mule Skinner Blues * Blackwater Hard Luck Story * I'm Only Sleeping * Watching the Detectives * When I Paint My Masterpiece * Athens Something's Wrong with My Brother I Run Away Honey Now * New Madrid * Hurricane The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down * I'm Waiting for the Man * Angel Band * Sun Go Down Hungry Boys To Be Young * Lovesick Blues * * d1t05 by John Prine d1t06, d1t13, d2t14 by Ryan Adams (Whiskeytown) d1t07 by Bob Dylan d1t08 by Henry Thomas d1t10, d2t09 by J.R. Robertson (The Band) d1t11 by Jimmie Rodgers and George Vaughn d1t14 by Lennon/McCartney (the Beatles) d1t15 by Elvis Costello d2t06 by Gillian Welch d2t07 by Uncle Tupelo d2t10 by Lou Reed d2t11 by J. Hascall and W. Bradbury d2t15 by Hank Williams

Files (download all files)
borrowed2003-06-05.md5 (download)
borrowed2003-06-05.txt (download)