Bela Fleck and the Flecktones bfft2011-11-03.MilabVM-44Link.flac16
2011-11-03 University at Buffalo, Center for the Arts,

Bela Fleck and the Flecktones Live at University at Buffalo, Center for the Arts, on 2011-11-03

Source 118316
Source: Milab VM-44 Links > Naiant Littlebox > Sony PCM-M10 [24/48]
Config: DIN Location: DFC, first row behind SBD, seated head hight
Transfer: MicroSD > PC > Sony Sound Forge Audio Studio 9.0 [Normalize 0.00 dB (100.00%),
Dither (16-bit Triangular) & Resample to 44,100 Hz] > CDWav > Flac16 [Level 8]

01 Bottle Rocket 02 Nemo's Dream 03 Victor solo 04 Sex in a Pan 05 Life In Eleven 06 band intros 07 Sunset Road 08 Howard solo 09 Flying Saucer* 10 Blu Bop 11 Like Water 12 Storm Warning 13 Furureman solo 14 Sweet Pomagranates 15 Victor intros Bela 16 Bela solo 17 track 17* 18 crowd 19 E: Sinister Minister

Files (download all files)
bfft2011-11-03.MilabVM-44Link.flac16.md5 (download)
bfft2011-11-03.MilabVM-44Link.flac16.ff.txt (download)
bfft2011-11-03.MilabVM-44Link.flac16.ffp (download)
bfft2011-11-03.MilabVM-44Link.flac16.txt (download)