Bela Fleck and the Flecktones bfft2001-09-12.shnf
2001-09-12 Orpheum Theatre

Bela Fleck and the Flecktones Live at Orpheum Theatre on 2001-09-12

Source 5294
FOB DFC 10th Row Schoeps MK4V > KC5 > CMC6 > AD1000 > D8 > D8

2-80min. CD-Rs

01. Puffy > Victor Solo > Puffy 02. Bela/Futureman Tune > Introductions 03. Earth Jam ^ 04. Billy Bob Marley Experience* 05. Victor Solo 06. Stomping Grounds > teases/jam > Stomping Grounds^^ 01. Futch Solo 02. Jeff FM Tune** 03. Heidi ^^^ 04. Sherpa 05. Big Country 06. Bela Accoustic Solo *** E1. Hoedown > Bela & Futureman > Hoedown E2. Cosmic Hippo

Files (download all files)
bfft01-09-12.txt (download)
bfft01-09-12.md5 (download)