2001-03-16 American Music Theater

Bela Fleck and the Flecktones Live at American Music Theater on 2001-03-16

Source 3738
Source Info: Two mics, one cardiod and one unidirectional > A Radio Shack Y-Jack >
my Sony minidisc recorder > a borrowed Sony minidisc recorder

MD > A standalone burner at Circuit City > CDEX > CDWAV > my Iomega burner

[NB - Third disc currently missing.] Big Country, Scratch & Sniff, Introductions, Sunset Road, Introduction of new song, New song, Wooten Solo (Part I) Wooten Solo (Part II), Throwdown at the Hoedown Futureman Solo, Unknown song ^, Miscellaneous banter, Moment So Close, More banter, Introduction of "F", "F", Introduction of Bela by Victor, Bela Solo (Part I), Bela Solo (Part II), Bela Solo (Part III), Bela Solo (Part IV) Encore: Introduction of final song, Hoedown > Stomping Grounds > Hoedown

Files (download all files)
bfft2001-03-16d1.md5 (download)
bfft2001-03-16.txt (download)
bfft2001-03-16d2.md5 (download)