B3 Kings b3kings2019-09-27
2019-09-27 Strange Brew

B3 Kings Live at Strange Brew on 2019-09-27

The B3 Kings 9/27/19 Strange Brew Manchester, NH Sources-ADK a51tl's(Omni's, Spit on stage 10')>1+2 Mixpre6 ADK a51S LE>(NOS, On Drums)>3+4 Mixpre6 SBD>5+6 Mixpre6  AKG ck61>(FOB, NOS)akg active Naiant pfa's>SD302>AD2k+>PMD661 All@24/48>Audacity>cdwav>TLH>Flac24 Set1 1.Cuckoo Juice 2.Peepin' 3.Midnight Creeper 4.Smidge of Pidge 5.Trouble Trouble 6.Miss Riverside Set2 1.Trashbag Man 2.Fire Eater 3.Tramp 4.Buttercup 5.Pungee 6.Dalai Trama Johnny Trama-Guitar Rusty Scott-Hammond B3 Mike Tucker-Sax Dave Dicenso-Drums