Andrew North & The Rangers antr2022-07-09
2022-07-09 Area 23
Andrew North & The Rangers Live at Area 23 on 2022-07-09
July 9, 2022 - Area 23, Concord NH Set I: Sneaky Lou, Fox Mulder, Aditi, Unravel, In Between Days, Time Doesn’t Fly, Smoke & Mirrors, Go North, Soup*, Passing Thought, The 23 Set II: In the Night**, Mary’s Chicken Thigh Money, Out of Time, Chicken in the Backyard, Union Street, 50-50, Swaggerin’, Werewolves of London* > Wolfman’s Brother*, Electrostatic Chills* * featuring members of the Trash Owls ** First time played, Professor Longhair cover