Ween Ween2018-10-07.Aud
2018-10-07 Golden Gate Park

Ween Live at Golden Gate Park on 2018-10-07

Ween 2018-10-07 Hardly Strictly Bluegrass (Towers of Gold Stage) Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California Source: Okteva MK-012-01 (cards) > Fostex FR-2LE (24/44.1) Location: ROC 30~ft from stack 6'^ Transfer: fr2le>audacity (normalize,fades)>cdwave (splits,flac) set: Intro Spinal Meningitis (Got Me Down) Happy Colored Marbles Big Jilm Roses Are Free Transdermal Celebration Touch My Tooter Object Nan The Goin' Gets Tough From the Getgo Buckingham Green The Rift Mister Would You Please Help My Pony? Your Party The Mollusk notes: my first outing with these mics and think they turned out great!  had to run slighly stealth with an open rig so coudnt set up center like i wanted but didnt get shut down so theres that!

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