Ween Ween1997-09-27
1997-09-27 San Francisco, CA @ Warfield Theater

Ween Live at San Francisco, CA @ Warfield Theater on 1997-09-27

Ween September 27th, 1997 San Francisco, CA @ Warfield Theater Schoeps MK4 > Reutelhuber Box > Sony TCD-D7 > CDR > EAC > flac > CDR > EAC > FLAC disc one: 1. Buckingham Green 2. What Deaner Was Talking About 3. Spinal Meningitis 4. Golden Eel 5. The Stallion (Part 3) 6. Don't Get 2 Close (2 My Fantasy) 7. Freedom of '76 8. Tick 9. Wavin' My Dick in the Wind 10. Take Me Away 11. Piss Up a Rope 12. HIV Song 13. The Mollusk 14. Frank disc two: 1. Captain Fantasy 2. intro > 3. I Can't Put My Finger on It 4. Pumpin' 4 the Man 5. Mr. Richard Smoker 6. Sketches of Winkle 7. Baby Bitch 8. She Wanted to Leave 9. Awesome Sound 10. Ocean Man 11. Blarney Stone 12. Dr. Rock disc three: encore one: 1. Birthday Boy 2. Sarah 3. Buenos Tardes Amigo 4. Mr. Would You Please Help My Pony 5. Fat Lenny, You Fucked Up encore two: 6. Booze Me Up & Get Me High 7-8. Poopship Destroyer 9. LMLYP

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