Trampled by Turtles TrampledByTurtles2018-10-27
2018-10-27 El Dorado Stage, Hangtown Music Festival

Trampled by Turtles Live at El Dorado Stage, Hangtown Music Festival on 2018-10-27

Trampled By Turtles 27 October 2018, Saturday El Dorado Stage Hangtown Music Festival El Dorado County Fairgrounds, Placerville, CA Source: Telefunken M60/tk61 (AB @ 2ft) + Joly Modded Oktava MK-012/cards (XY Center) > Sound Devices 442 > Zoom F8 (line-in) @ 24/48 Location: @ SBD, 120ft from stage, 10ft in the air Lineage: SD Card > iMac > Cubase LE AI Elements 8 > xACT > FLAC @ 24/48 Recorded, Tracked, & Transferred by Geoff Bender 24-Bit Recording, Setlist Corrections/Help Appreciated 1. Midnight on the Interstate 2. Victory 3. Help You 4. Kelly's Bar 5. Annihilate 6. The Middle 7. We All Get Lonely 8. Thank You John Steinbeck 9. The Darkness and the Light 10. Risk  11. Keys to Paradise 12. Empire 13. Feet and Bones 14. I Went to Hollywood 15. Life is Good on the Open Road 16. Good Land  17. Codeine 18. Whiskey 19. Alone 20. Wait So Long Notes: A few audible PA issues (static) during set Dave Simonett Erik Berry Dave Carroll Tim Saxhaug Ryan Young Cover Photo by Glenn Merker ***SUPPORT LIVE MUSIC***

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